FRANKF.PIX // Cockpit forward image file names 15,17,335,178 // Left, top, right, bottom rendering coordinates FRANKL.PIX // Cockpit left image file names 15,19,335,187 // Left, top, right, bottom rendering coordinates FRANKR.PIX // Cockpit right image file names 15,19,335,162 // Left, top, right, bottom rendering coordinates d,45,65,SPEEDO0.PIX,14 // Speedo type, x, y, filename, x-pitch d,103,191,SPEEDO0.PIX,7 // Speedo type, x, y, filename, x-pitch a,4,152,TACHO.PIX,31,179,0,21,215,0,-4 // tacho type, x, y, filename, x-pitch d,103,199,TACH0.PIX // Tacho x, y, filename 33,73,GEARS.PIX // Gear display x,y,image (external) 150,180,GEARS.PIX // Gear display x,y,image (internal) 7 // Number of hands frames 154,164,HANDS06R.PIX,0,0,none // Left-most hands frame 164,173,HANDS05R.PIX,0,0,none // Leftish hands frame 178,185,HANDS04R.PIX,54,206,HANDS04L.PIX // Leftish hands frame 183,195,HANDS03R.PIX,55,195,HANDS03L.PIX // Centre hands frame 183,199,HANDS02R.PIX,60,188,HANDS02L.PIX // Rightish hands frame 0,0,none,64,180,HANDS01L.PIX // Rightish hands frame 0,0,none,60,171,HANDS00L.PIX // Right-most hands frame 262,30,349,63 // Left, top, right, bottom of mirror 0,0,52,46 // Left, top, right, bottom of pratcam (*** relative to screen, not cockpit) 31,27,1,1,2,3,1,ENGDMB.PIX // Engine damage x,y,flash1..5 32,44,1,1,2,3,1,TRNDMB.PIX // Transmission damage x,y,flash1..5 25,44,1,1,2,3,1,STRDMB.PIX // Steering damage x,y,flash1..5 24,31,1,1,2,3,1,LBRKDMB.PIX // lf brake damage x,y,flash1..5 44,31,1,1,2,3,1,RBRKDMB.PIX // rf brake damage x,y,flash1..5 24,72,1,1,2,3,1,LBRKDMB.PIX // lr brake damage x,y,flash1..5 44,72,1,1,2,3,1,RBRKDMB.PIX // rr brake damage x,y,flash1..5 18,30,1,1,2,3,1,TYRDMB.PIX // lf wheel damage x,y,flash1..5 50,30,1,1,2,3,1,TYRDMB.PIX // rf wheel damage x,y,flash1..5 18,71,1,1,2,3,1,TYRDMB.PIX // lr wheel damage x,y,flash1..5 50,71,1,1,2,3,1,TYRDMB.PIX // rr wheel damage x,y,flash1..5 0,0,6,35,DAMASKALPHA.PIX 0 // Number of dimmed areas (external) 0 // Number of dimmed areas (internal)